Monday, September 04, 2006

the why

i'm finally serious about losing weight. finally for the 500th time it feels like. i'm really trying to find something that works for me, because so far nothing really has. actually i take that back. atkins works great, i just don't have the money to by specialty foods and meat all the time. that and it's relatively inconvenient with having to leave early for work and not knowing how to cook. that and i like fruit dammit.

so here's the vital statistics:
current weight: 255
height: 5'9"
recommended weight: 140 - 150

diabetes and heart disease both run in my family so i'm incredibly paranoid about that. since i have roughly 100 pounds to lose, i think i'm going to break it up into 4 goals of 25 pounds each with some kind of small reward when i reach each goal. i'm not setting a final end date because i really don't know how fast i lose weight.

goal 1: 230 lbs -
goal 2: 205 lbs -
goal 3: 180 lbs -
goal 4: 155 lbs -


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