Monday, September 18, 2006

lack of motivation

i didn't even bother trying to stay on my diet over the weekend. as of friday evening, i totally gave up for 2 and a half days. oddly enough i'm really not pissed off at myself for it. slightly irritated, but definitely not upset or angry. i also maintained the weight i was at on friday. granted that won't be happening again anytime soon, but yeah. as for this week.. i have no idea what to do for food. i'm pretty much out of low carb foods and i don't get paid until wednesday. until then i have exactly $4. and i need to put gas in my car. i'm good for breakfasts and probably lunch too, but it's dinner i have the problem with. i suppose i could eat pork chops and green beans for dinner the next 2 days but green beans have a lot of carbs and that meal gets pretty tiring after a night or so.
i also really need to start working out again. i haven't been to the gym in almost two weeks.

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